Virtual Designer Shop Hop Part 3
Welcome back to part 3 of the Virtual Designer Shop Hop!
If you’ve been hopping along with us all week, you’ve already met 20 amazing designers and hopefully have seen lots of quilting inspiration. Perhaps you found a fun project you’re excited to sew and did a little shopping along the way. I know it is not easy being cooped up in the house more than normal but I hope this shop hop is providing some escape from it all.
Before you get to hopping, I wanted to make you aware of a special coupon I am offering. Take 20% all digital and print patterns in my Etsy Shop using code STAYANDHOP20. You’ll find a great collection of beginner friendly patterns with simple designs. Click on the image below to go right to my shop.
Today’s Group of Designers
Today, I have another group of designers to share with you. Click on the links below to go right to their sites and see what they have to offer. You’re going to like what you see!
Lone Star Pattern Works – https://www.lonestarpatternworks.com
Powered by Quilting – https://www.poweredbyquilting.com
Cottage Rose Quilt Patterns – https://www.cottagerosequiltshop.com
The Cloth Parcel – https://www.theclothparcel.com
Faith and Fabric – https://www.faithandfabricdesign.com
Linen Closet Designs – http://www.linenclosetdesigns.com
Designs by Sarah J – https://www.designsbysarahj.com
Rona the Ribbiter Quilts – https://www.ronatheribbiter.com
Quilt Fox Designs – https://www.quiltfox-design.com
Seam to Be Sew – https://www.seamstobesew.com
In case you missed the start of the shop hop or simply haven’t made it around to the earlier groups, am including all of the previous shops I shared so you have them all in one place.
Here is the list from my first post on Saturday
Bequilter https://www.beaquilter.com/shop
Presto Avenue Designs https://www.prestoavenuedesigns.com
Cheryl Lynch Quilts https://www.cheryllynchquilts.com
Love to Color My World https://www.lovetocolormyworld.blogspot.com
Hissyfitz Designs https://www.hissyfitzdesigns.com
Canton Village Quilt Works https://www.cvquiltworks.com/blogs/blog
Anjeanette Klinder Designs http://www.anjeanettek.com
Pat Sloan – The Voice of Quilting https://www.blog.patsloan.com
Said With Love https://www.saidwithlove.com.au
Orange Blossom Quilt Design https://www.orangeblossomquilt.com
And here’s the list from my second post on Tuesday
DaySpring Quilt Company https://www.dayspringquiltcompany.com
Ms P Designs, USA https://www.mspdesignsusa.com
Stitchin’ at Home http://www.stitchinathome.com
Sew Joy Creations https://www.sewjoycreations.com
Ships & Violins https://www.shipsandviolins.com
Patti’s Patchwork https://www.pattispatchwork.com
Your Sewing Friend https://www.etsy.com/shop/yoursewingfriend
The Geeky Bobbin https://www.geekybobbin.com
Colourwerx Designs https://www.colourwerx.com
Kate Colleran Designs https://www.seamslikeadream.com
Come on, Hop Along!
There are so many amazing designers to check out and I hope you will. I will be back on Tuesday with one final post. Until then, have a fantastic weekend and keep hopping along.
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